Saturday, July 7, 2007


There is a raging discussion going on these days. The debate over whether or not there is a problem...seems to be at long last over. Now comes the TOUGH part. What to do next?

I am tawky about global warming, of course.

This weekend marks the celebration of the ongoing discourse...'Live Earth', being held on all seven continents...with over 150 major artists performing everywhere from The Meadowlands to London and beyond.

So, in light of all that, I WELCOME comments, suggestions, and thoughts on this critically important issue.

Don't be shy. Don't have to be intellectual, simply your personal feelings on the subject. Even better, tell us what you think you as an individual can DO about Global warming. IF anything?
What we ALL can do.

EXAMPLE: Stop buying behemoth SUV vehicles and those immense 4x4's.
(Just a thought, Bubba).

So, now's your chance to make your thoughts known...and to share what you might suggest what we can do to stave off the inevitable ultimate disaster unless we begin to act.

Post simple comments here. For lengthier ones, or if you wish to clarify your comments, email to:

I will then post them at your direction.

Thanks, and happy thinky.


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